The PDFSettings class implements the container structure to hold pdf document creation settings.


public class PDFSettings : DocumentSettings
Public Class PDFSettings
 Inherits DocumentSettings

Introduced: X19.


Constructor Description
PDFSettings Creates a new instance of PDFSettings.


Property Description
Author Gets or sets the document's author.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
CreationDate Gets or sets the document's creation date.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
CreatorApplication Gets or sets the document's creator application.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
DigitalSignature An X.509 certificate to sign the PDF document with.
DocumentAccessPermissions Specifies how a document can be accessed after it has been opened.
DocumentKeywords Document keywords.
DocumentLevelJavaScriptActions Specifies JavaScript actions that are embedded in the PDF.
DocumentSubject Gets or sets the document's subject string.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
DocumentTitle Gets or sets the document's title string.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
EmbeddedFiles Specifies files to be embedded in the PDF.
ImageCompressionQuality Image compression quality.
LastModificationDate Gets or sets the document's last modification date.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)
MasterPassword The password for the document's access permissions.
UserPassword Gets or sets the document's user password.
(Inherited from DocumentSettings)