The TXBarcodeControl class provides properties to define type and format of the barcode it displays in WPF.


public sealed class TXBarcodeControl
Public NotInheritable Class TXBarcodeControl


Constructor Description
TXBarcodeControl Initializes a new instance of the TXBarcodeControl class.


Method Description
GetDefaultText Returns the default text for the specified barcode type.
GetMaximumTextLength Returns the maximum text length the specified barcode type can have.
GetMinimumTextLength Returns the minimum text length the specified barcode type can have.
IsTextValid Returns a value whether the specified text is valid for a specific barcode type.
Load Loads barcode data into the control.
PrintPaint Draws the barcode on a specific object of type System.Drawing.Graphics or System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext with specified bounds or stretch factor.
Save Saves the barcode data.
SaveImage Saves the barcode image.


Property Description
AdditionalText Gets or sets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image.
Alignment Gets or sets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control.
Angle Gets or sets the angle of the barcode image inside the control.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color for the barcode control.
BarcodeType Gets or sets the type of barcode that should be displayed.
BarcodeTypeSettings Gets an object of type BarcodeTypeSettings to determine type specific settings for the current used barcode.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color for the barcode.
ShowText Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode text is displayed below or above the barcode image or not.
Text Gets or sets the text the barcode should encrypt.
TextAlignment Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image.
UpperTextLength Gets or sets the maximum number of characters the Text property can have.