The SpellingCorrectionUIProvider class provides methods and properties for constructing a spelling correction user interface.


public sealed class SpellingCorrectionUIProvider
Public NotInheritable Class SpellingCorrectionUIProvider

Introduced: 6.0.


Property Description
CorrectionHandling Gets an object of type CorrectionHandler that provides methods and properties which are necessary to construct the correction handling part of a spelling correction user interface.
PreviewHandling Gets an object of type PreviewHandler that provides properties which are necessary to construct an editable preview for a spelling correction user interface.
StateManaging Gets an object of type StateManager that provides methods and properties which are necessary to initialize, modify and perceive the current state of a spelling correction procedure.
SuggestionDictionariesHandling Gets an object of type SuggestionDictionariesHandler that provides properties which are necessary to modify and perceive suggestion dictionaries in a spelling correction user interface.
SuggestionsHandling Gets an object of type SuggestionsHandler that provides properties which are necessary to modify and perceive a list of suggestions for correcting the current word to correct in a spelling correction user interface.