The CorrectionHandler class provides methods and properties which are necessary to construct the correction handling part of a spelling correction user interface.


public sealed class CorrectionHandler
Public NotInheritable Class CorrectionHandler

Introduced: 6.0.


Method Description
AddToDictionary Adds the text of the current word to correct to all user dictionaries of the current dictionary collection where the IsEditable property is set to true and the language property corresponds to the TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.Culture or incorrect word's language property.
Change Replaces the current word to correct with a specified word.
ChangeAll Replaces all words to correct, that have the same text like the current uncorrected word.
CheckCorrectedWord Returns a value whether the specified word was found in one of the current selected suggestion dictionaries or not.
Delete Deletes the current word to correct.
Ignore Ignores the current misspelled.
IgnoreAll Ignores all words to correct, that have the same text like the current uncorrected word.


Property Description
IsAddToDictionaryEnabled Gets a value whether the AddToDictionary method is enabled or not.
IsChangeAllEnabled Gets a value whether the ChangeAll method is enabled or not.
IsChangeEnabled Gets a value whether the Change method is enabled or not.
IsDeleteEnabled Gets a value whether the Delete method is enabled or not.
IsIgnoreAllEnabled Gets a value whether the IgnoreAll method is enabled or not.
IsIgnoreEnabled Gets a value whether the Ignore method is enabled or not.
IsOptionsEnabled Gets a value whether the current SpellingCorrectionUIProvider's mode is set to OptionsSettings or not.
IsUndoEditEnabled Gets a value whether the current SpellingCorrectionUIProvider's mode is set to WordToCorrectEditing or not.