Provides methods and properties for the StateManager property that is provided by the SpellCheckDialogOpeningEventArgs, DialogButtonEventArgs and the SpellCheckDialogClosingEventArgs in TX Spell .NET for WPF.


public sealed class SpellCheckDialogStateManager
Public NotInheritable Class SpellCheckDialogStateManager

Introduced: 3.0.


Method Description
Close Closes the spell check dialog.
SetNext Provides a method to set a specific incorrect or misspelled (TXTextControl.MisspelledWord) word, that should be handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.


Property Description
NextIFormattedText Gets the next object of type TXTextControl.IFormattedText that contains the next misspelled word (TXTextControl.MisspelledWord).
NextIncorrectWord Gets an object of type IncorrectWord that is handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.
NextMisspelledWord Gets an object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord that is handled next by the SpellCheckDialog.