Adds a new SubTextPart to the collection.

<void> SubTextPartCollection.add(<String> name, <Number> id, <Number> start, <Number> length, [<AddSubTextPartCallback> callback], [<ErrorCallback> errorCallback])


Parameter Description
name Specifies the name of the subtextpart. This parameter can be null or an empty string to indicate, that the subtextpart has no name.
id Specifies an identifier for the subtextpart. This parameter can be 0 to indicate, that the subtextpart has no identifier.
start Specifies the index (one-based) of the first character which belongs to the subtextpart.
length Specifies the number of characters which belong to the subtextpart.
callback Optional. Receives information about the result of the adding and the added subtextpart.
errorCallback Optional. Is called when the operation failed with an error.

Further Reading

Learn more about the Javascript: SubTextPartCollection.add Method in the Text Control Blog: