Gets the change at the current text input position or the next or the previous change in the textflow. The search begins at the current text input position. If there is more than one change at the current input position the innermost change is returned.

<void> TrackedChangeCollection.getItem(<RequestTrackedChangeCallback> callback, [<boolean> next], [<ErrorCallback> errorCallback])


Parameter Description
callback Receives the tracked change as parameter. The result value is null if a change could not be found.
next Optional. If this parameter is true, the next change in the textflow is returned. If this parameter is false, the previous change in the textflow is returned. The next or the previous change is returned independent whether there is a change at the current text input position.
errorCallback Optional. Is called when the operation failed with an error.

Further Reading

Learn more about the Javascript: TrackedChangeCollection.getItem Method in the Text Control Blog: