Gets or sets the field's type name. For example for the type name of a Microsoft Word MergeField is MERGEFIELD. If the type name of the field is changed, its parameters must also be changed.


public string TypeName { get; set; }
Public Property TypeName() As String


The following example sets the TypeName of a Microsoft Word MergeField to MERGEFIELD. If the type name of the field is changed, its parameters must also be changed.

TXTextControl.LoadSettings ls = new TXTextControl.LoadSettings(); 
ls.ApplicationFieldFormat = TXTextControl.ApplicationFieldFormat.MSWord; 
ls.ApplicationFieldTypeNames = new string[] { "MERGEFIELD", "PRINTDATE" }; 
textControl1.Load("c:\\test.rtf", TXTextControl.StreamType.RichTextFormat, ls);
Dim ls As TXTextControl.LoadSettings = New TXTextControl.LoadSettings()
ls.ApplicationFieldFormat = TXTextControl.ApplicationFieldFormat.MSWord
ls.ApplicationFieldTypeNames = New String() {"MERGEFIELD", "PRINTDATE"}
textControl1.Load("c:\test.rtf", TXTextControl.StreamType.RichTextFormat, ls)