Initializes a new instance of the AutoSize class. The constructor offers the individual setting of all features.

AutoSize(AutoSizeDirection, AutoSizeDirection, System.Drawing.Size, System.Drawing.Size)

public AutoSize(AutoSizeDirection expand, AutoSizeDirection shrink, System.Drawing.Size maxSize, System.Drawing.Size minSize);
Public Sub New(ByVal expand As AutoSizeDirection, ByVal shrink As AutoSizeDirection, ByVal maxSize As System.Drawing.Size, ByVal minSize As System.Drawing.Size)


Parameter Description
expand Specifies possible directions for expanding the control. It can be one of the AutoSizeDirection values.
shrink Specifies possible directions for shrinking the control. It can be one of the AutoSizeDirection values.
maxSize Specifies the maximum size, in twips, for expanding the control.
minSize Specifies the minimum size, in twips, for shrinking the control.