Determines the comparison operator that is used to compare the condition's form field value with the specified comparison value or the interpretation of that value. The enumeration contains the following values:


Member Description
Is Form field value equals to the specified comparison value or the interpretation of that value.
IsNot Form field value does not equal to the specified comparison value or the interpretation of that value.
Contains Form field value contains the specified comparison value.
StartsWith Form field value starts with the specified comparison value.
EndsWith Form field value ends with the specified comparison value.
DoesNotContain Form field value does not contain the specified comparison value.
DoesNotStartWith Form field value does not start with the specified comparison value.
DoesNotEndWith Form field value does not end with the specified comparison value.
IsGreaterThan Form field value is greater than the specified comparison value.
IsGreaterThanOrEqual Form field value is greater than or equals to the specified comparison value.
IsLessThan Form field value is less than the specified comparison value.
IsLessThanOrEqual Form field value is less than or equals to the specified comparison value.