The Drawing.Selection class represents all selected shapes.


public class Selection : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Class Dictionary
  Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged

Introduced: X13.


Method Description
BringForward Increases the selected shapes' levels by one.
BringToFront Displays the selected shape as the uppermost shape of all shapes.
IsCommonValueSelected Informs about whether an attribute from the Drawing.Selection.Attribute enumeration has the same value for the complete shapes selection.
SendBackward Decreases the selected shapes' levels by one.
SendToBack Displays the selected shape as the lowest shape of all shapes.


Property Description
CanBringForward Gets value that indicates whether the selected shapes' levels can be increased by one.
CanBringToFront Gets value that indicates whether the selected shape can be displayed as the uppermost shape of all shapes.
CanSendBackward Gets value that indicates whether the selected shapes' levels can be decreased by one.
CanSendToBack Gets value that indicates whether the selected shape can be displayed as the lowest shape of all shapes.
Shapes Gets or set the selected shapes .