AppendSettings |
Determines how text is appended to the document. |
ApplicationFieldFormat |
Determines the format of an ApplicationField. |
AutoSizeDirection |
Determines values for the AutoSize.AutoExpand and AutoSize.AutoShrink properties. |
BinaryStreamType |
Determines a certain text format that must be stored in a one-dimensional byte array. |
CapitalizationSettings |
Determines the settings used with the Selection.ChangeCapitalization method. |
ClipboardFormat |
Determines a certain clipboard format that can be pasted into a TextControl document. |
ContextMenuLocation |
Determines the location in the document where a context menu will be shown. |
ControlChars |
Determines values for the control characters used in a TextControl document. |
CursorKind |
Determines the kind of the cursor at a certain location in a document. |
Direction |
Determines the writing direction of a paragraph. |
EmbeddedDataFormat |
Specifies the format of additionally provided data when a PDF document is imported. |
FindOptions |
Determines search options for the Find methods. |
Frame |
Determines which frameborders are visible of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing. |
FrameInsertionMode |
Determines how the frame of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing can be inserted in the text. |
FrameStyle |
Determines the style of a frame of an image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing. |
HeaderFooterType |
Determines the type of a header or footer. |
HorizontalAlignment |
Determines values for the horizontal alignment of the text or of text frames, images and charts. |
ImageInsertionMode |
Determines how an Image can be inserted in the text. |
Justification |
Determines the justification. |
ListType |
Specifies the kind of a bulleted or numbered list. |
MisspelledWordKind |
Specifies the kind of a misspelled word. |
NumberFormat |
Specifies the format of a numbered list. |
PDFImportSettings |
Specifies how the document structure is generated when a PDF document is imported. |
PageContent |
Defines the contents of a page's image returned from the Page.GetImage method. |
PermanentControlChar |
Defines a control character which is shown permanently on the screen. |
SectionBreakKind |
Specifies the kind of the section break. |
StreamType |
Determines a certain text format. |
StringStreamType |
Determines a certain text format that can be stored as a string. |
TabLeader |
Determines how the tab gap is filled. |
TabType |
Determines the tabulator type. |
TableAddPosition |
Specifies the position where to add table rows and columns or where to split a table. |
TextFieldPosition |
Specifies special text input positions at the beginning and the end of a TextField. |
TextFieldType |
Specifies types of text fields. |
TextFrameInsertionMode |
Determines how a TextFrame can be inserted in the text. |
ZOrder |
Specifies how the z-order of a frame (image, text frame, chart, barcode or drawing) can be changed. |
ZoomOption |
Specifies options how to set the zoom factor of a TextControl. |