Gets or sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.

Introduced: 15.1.


public HorizontalAlignment Alignment { get; set; }
Public Property Alignment() As HorizontalAlignment


Member Description
Left The frame is left aligned.
Right The frame is right aligned.
Center The frame is centered.
Justify This value cannot be used with this property.


The following example uses the 'Alignment' property and sets its value to 'Center'.

TXTextControl.FrameBase frameBase = new TXTextControl.FrameBase();

frameBase.Name = "points";
frameBase.Moveable = true;
frameBase.Alignment = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
Dim frameBase As TXTextControl.FrameBase = New TXTextControl.FrameBase()
frameBase.Name = "points"
frameBase.Moveable = True
frameBase.Alignment = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center


If the image or text frame has another Location than left, right or center, this property returns zero.