(Only for compatibility) Gets or sets a value determining whether an image is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the image. If the document's text flows around or overwrites the image, this property also determines whether the image is moved with the text or is fixed positioned on a page.


public new ImageInsertionMode InsertionMode { get; set; }
Public Property InsertionMode() As ImageInsertionMode


Member Description
AsCharacter The image is inserted in the text as a single character.
DisplaceCompleteLines The image is inserted at a certain geometrical location. The text stops at the top and continues at the bottom of the image.
DisplaceText The image is inserted at a certain geometrical location. The text flows around the image and empty areas at the left and right side are filled.
AboveTheText The image is inserted at a certain geometrical location above the text. This means that the image overwrites the text.
BelowTheText The image is inserted at a certain geometrical location below the text. This means that the text overwrites the image.
MoveWithText The image is connected with a paragraph and moved with the text.
FixedOnPage The image is fixed positioned on a page.


The following example iterates through all images and sets the insertion mode to DisplaceText and MoveWithText.

foreach (TXTextControl.Image image in textControl1.Images) {
  image.InsertionMode = TXTextControl.ImageInsertionMode.DisplaceText |
                        TXTextControl.ImageInsertionMode.MoveWithText; }
For Each image As TXTextControl.Image In textControl1.Images
    image.InsertionMode = TXTextControl.ImageInsertionMode.DisplaceText Or TXTextControl.ImageInsertionMode.MoveWithText


The values of the ImageInsertionMode enumeration can be combined. The following combinations are possible:

DisplaceCompleteLines and MoveWithText

DisplaceCompleteLines and FixedOnPage

DisplaceText and MoveWithText

DisplaceText and FixedOnPage

AboveTheText and MoveWithText

AboveTheText and FixedOnPage

BelowTheText and MoveWithText

BelowTheText and FixedOnPage


For all other combinations an exception is thrown.