If this property is set to true, the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.

Introduced: 13.0.


public bool PageBreakBefore { get; set; }
Public Property PageBreakBefore() As Boolean


The following example uses the PageBreakBefore property and sets its value to true so that the paragraph is always displayed on top of a page.

TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat format = new TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat();

format.Frame             = TXTextControl.Frame.Box;
format.FrameStyle        = TXTextControl.FrameStyle.Double;
format.PageBreakBefore   = true;

textControl1.Selection.ParagraphFormat = format;
Dim format As TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat = New TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat()

format.Frame             = TXTextControl.Frame.Box
format.FrameStyle        = TXTextControl.FrameStyle.Double
format.PageBreakBefore   = true

TextControl1.Selection.ParagraphFormat = format


The property's default value is false.

The property returns its default value when the text selection contains multiple paragraphs with mixed setting. The Selection.IsCommonValueSelected method can be used to check for mixed attributes.