Creates a new instance of the SectionFormat class.


public SectionFormat();
Public Sub New()

SectionFormat(Int, Int)

public SectionFormat(int columns, int columnDistance);
Public Sub New(ByVal columns As Integer, ByVal columnDistance As Integer)

SectionFormat(Int, Int[], Int[])

public SectionFormat(int columns, int[] columnWidths, int[] columnDistances);
Public Sub New(ByVal columns As Integer, columnWidths As Integer(), columnDistances As Integer())


Parameter Description
columns Specifies the number of columns for the section.
columnDistance Specifies the distance between equal columns.
columnWidths Specifies the widths of the columns. The array must contain exactly an element for each column.
columnDistances Specifies the distances between the columns. The array must contain exactly an element for each distance. The size of this array must be one less the size of the columnWidths array. The sum of all widths and distances must not exceed the width of the page's text area. Otherwise an exception occurs. The width of the text area is the page width less the left and the right page margin.