Gets or sets the section's page margins. The property's value is an object of the type PageMargins.


public PageMargins PageMargins { get; set; }
Public Property PageMargins() As PageMargins


The following example uses PageMargins property to set the page margins as (100, 100, 100, 100).

TXTextControl.SectionFormat sf = new TXTextControl.SectionFormat(3, new int[] { 1500, 2500, 5000 }, new int[] { 250, 500 });

sf.ColumnLineColor = Color.Black;
sf.ColumnLineWidth = 50;
sf.PageSize        = new TXTextControl.PageSize(500, 1000);
sf.Landscape       = true;
sf.PageMargins     = new TXTextControl.PageMargins(100, 100, 100, 100);


textControl1.Sections.GetItem().Format = sf;
Dim sf As New TXTextControl.SectionFormat(3, New Integer() {1500, 2500, 5000}, New Integer() {250, 500})

sf.ColumnLineColor = Color.Black
sf.ColumnLineWidth = 50
sf.PageSize        = New TXTextControl.PageSize(500, 1000)
sf.Landscape       = True
sf.PageMargins     = New TXTextControl.PageMargins(100,100,100, 100)


TextControl1.Sections.GetItem().Format = sf