Prints a Text Control document or a part of a document.


public void Print(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument);
Public Sub Print(ByVal printDocument As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument)

Print(Int, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)

public void Print(int page, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs ppe);
Public Sub Print(ByVal page As Integer, ByVal ppe As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)


Parameter Description
printDocument Specifies an instance of the PrintDocument class. The following settings of the PrintDocument object are used:
Event Description
DocumentName Specifies the document's name.
PrintController Specifies the document's print controller.
PrinterSettings.FromPage The first page to print.
PrinterSettings.ToPage The last page to print.
PrinterSettings.Copies The number of copies to print.
PrinterSettings.Collate Specifies how the printed pages are sorted.
PrinterSettings.PrinterName Specifies the name of the printer.
PrinterSettings.PrintToFile Specifies whether the printed pages are saved in a file.
PrinterSettings.PrintRange Specifies the range of pages to print.
DefaultPageSettings.Color Specifies whether the printed pages are printed colored.
page Specifies a page number to print.
ppe Specifies the event arguments of the print document's PrintPage event.