Adds a character to the document.

Introduced: X13.


public bool Add(char character);
Public Function Add(character As Char) As Boolean

Add(Char, String)

public bool Add(char character, string fontName);
Public Function Add(character As Char, fontName As String) As Boolean

Add(Char, String, Int)

public bool Add(char character, string fontName, int textPosition);
Public Function Add(character As Char, fontName As String, textPosition As Integer) As Boolean


public bool Add(ControlChars controlChar);
Public Function Add(controlChar As ControlChars) As Boolean

Add(ControlChars, Int)

public bool Add(ControlChars controlChar, int textPosition);
Public Function Add(controlChar As ControlChars, textPosition As Integer) As Boolean


Parameter Description
character Specifies the character to insert.
fontName Specifies the name of the font which is used for the specified character.
textPosition Specifies a text input position. The first input position in a document is 0.
controlChar Specifies a control character to insert. It can be one of the ControlChars values.