Loads text in a certain format. The complete contents of a Text Control are replaced. This method returns immediately and does not wait for the text to be completely loaded.

LoadTextAsync(String, Web.StreamType)

public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadTextAsync(string path,  Web.StreamType streamType);
Public Async Function LoadTextAsync(ByVal path As String, ByVal streamType As  Web.StreamType) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task

LoadTextAsync(System.IO.FileStream, Web.StreamType)

public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadTextAsync(System.IO.FileStream fileStream, Web.StreamType streamType);
Public Async Function LoadTextAsync(ByVal fileStream As System.IO.FileStream, ByVal streamType As  Web.StreamType) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task

LoadTextAsync(Byte[], Web.BinaryStreamType)

public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadTextAsync(byte[] binaryData, Web.BinaryStreamType binaryStreamType);
Public Async Function LoadTextAsync(ByVal binaryData As Byte(), ByVal binaryStreamType As Web.BinaryStreamType) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task

LoadTextAsync(String, Web.StringStreamType)

public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task LoadTextAsync(string stringData,  Web.StringStreamType stringStreamType);
Public Async Function LoadTextAsync(ByVal stringData As String, ByVal stringStreamType As  Web.StringStreamType) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task


Parameter Description
streamType Specifies one of the StreamType values.
path Specifies a file from which the data is loaded.
fileStream Specifies a file from which the data is loaded. The data is loaded from the stream's current position.
binaryData Specifies a byte array from which the data is loaded.
stringData Specifies a string from which the data is loaded.
binaryStreamType Specifies one of the BinaryStreamType values.
stringStreamType Specifies one of the StringStreamType values.