TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.DataRowMergedEventArgs.MergedRow |
Gets or sets a byte array that contains the complete data of the merged data row. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.MergedField |
Gets or sets a byte array that contains the complete data of the merged field. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.FieldName |
Gets the name of the merged field. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.Filename |
Gets the filename of the merged image. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.Image |
Gets or sets the image that has been merged into the field. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageFieldMergedEventArgs.Merged |
Gets a bool value that indicates whether the current field has been merged successfully or not. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.RemoveTrailingWhitespace |
Specifies whether trailing whitespace should be removed before saving a document. |
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.HypertextLinks |
Gets a collection of all hypertext links the header or footer contains. |
TXTextControl.HeaderFooter.MisspelledWords |
Gets a collection of all misspelled words the header or footer contains. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.ApplicationFields |
Gets a collection of all Microsoft Word or Heiler HighEdit fields that have been created or imported from a Microsoft Word or RTF document. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.HypertextLinks |
Gets a collection of all hypertext links in the text part. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Images |
Gets a collection of all images in the text part. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Lines |
Gets a collection of all lines the text in the text part consists of. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.MisspelledWords |
Gets a collection of all misspelled words in the text part. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Paragraphs |
Gets a collection of all paragraphs the text in the text part consists of. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Selection |
Gets or sets the current selection in the text part. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.Tables |
Gets a collection of all tables in the text part. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.TextChars |
Gets a collection of all characters the text in the text part consists of. |
TXTextControl.IFormattedText.TextFields |
Gets a collection of all standard text fields in the text part. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.AllFrameLines |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether all frame lines, including all inner frame lines, are set for the selected text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Bold |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is bold at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BottomDistance |
Gets or sets a bottom paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BottomFrameLine |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the bottom of the text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BoxFrame |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a complete frame around the text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BulletCharacter |
Gets or sets the bullet character at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.BulletedList |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a bulleted list at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Centered |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is centered at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FontFamily |
Gets or sets the font family at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.FontSize |
Gets or sets the font's size, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.HangingIndent |
Gets or sets the hanging indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.InnerHorizontalFrameLines |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether all inner horizontal frame lines are set for the selected text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.InnerVerticalFrameLines |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether all inner vertical frame lines are set for the selected text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Italic |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the text is italic at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Justified |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is justified at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.LeftAligned |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is left aligned at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.LeftFrameLine |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the left side of the text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.LeftIndent |
Gets or sets the left indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.LineSpacing |
Gets or sets the line spacing, in percent, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.NumberedList |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a numbered list at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.NumberedListFormat |
Gets or sets the number format for a numbered list at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.NumberFormats |
Returns an array of all supported number formats for numbered and structured lists. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.RightAligned |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is right aligned at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.RightFrameLine |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the right side of the text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.RightIndent |
Gets or sets the right indent, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Strikeout |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the text is strikeout at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.StructuredList |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a structured list at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.StructuredListFormat |
Gets or sets the number format for a structured list at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.StyleName |
Gets or sets the formatting style name at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.StyleNames |
Returns an array of the names of all formatting styles, the document contains. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Subscript |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is subscript at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Superscript |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is superscript at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TextBackColor |
Gets or sets the color used to display the text background color at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TextColor |
Returns or sets the color used to display the text at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TopDistance |
Gets or sets a top paragraph distance, in twips, at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.TopFrameLine |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether there is a frame line at the top of the text. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.Underline |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether text is underlined at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.UnderlineStyle |
Gets or sets the underline style at the current input position. |
TXTextControl.InputFormat.UnderlineStyles |
Returns an array of all supported underline styles. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.Length |
Gets the length of a misspelled word. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.Number |
Gets the number of this misspelled word. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.Start |
Gets the starting position of a misspelled word. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWord.Text |
Gets the text of the misspelled word. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWordCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |
TXTextControl.MisspelledWordCollection.Item |
Gets a misspelled word from the collection. |
TXTextControl.PageSize.Height |
Specifies the page height of a document or document section. |
TXTextControl.PageSize.Width |
Specifies the page width of a document or document section. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.IsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether spell checking is active or not. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.MisspelledWords |
Gets a collection of all misspelled words in the main text of the document. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.PageUnit |
Gets or sets the measure used for page sizes and page margins. |
TXTextControl.ServerTextControl.TextParts |
Gets a collection of all text parts the current document contains. |
TXTextControl.SpellCheckTextEventArgs.MisspelledWords |
Gets or sets an array of MisspelledWord objects. |
TXTextControl.SpellCheckTextEventArgs.Text |
Gets the text to check. |
TXTextControl.TableRow.IsHeader |
Gets or sets a value specifying whether the table row is part of the table's header. |
TXTextControl.TextField.IsSpellCheckingEnabled |
Specifies whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words. |
TXTextControl.TextFrame.HypertextLinks |
Gets a collection of all hypertext links in a text frame. |
TXTextControl.TextFrame.MisspelledWords |
Gets a collection of all misspelled words the text frame contains. |
TXTextControl.TextPartCollection.Count |
Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. |