Contains all barcodes in a document represented through objects of the type BarcodeFrame.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
addAnchored Creates and inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
addAnchoredAtLocation Inserts a new barcode which is anchored to the specified text position.
addAtFixedPositionInDocument Creates and inserts a new barcode which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
addAtFixedPositionOnPage Inserts a new image which has a fixed geometrical position in the document.
addInline Creates and inserts a new barcode inline, which means that it is treated in the text like a single character.
addWithMouse Inserts a barcode with the built-in mouse interface.
clear Removes all objects from the collection and from the document.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
elementAt Returns the element at a specified index in the collection.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
forEach Executes a callback function for each element.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
getCount Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
(Inherited from FrameBaseCollection)
getItem Gets the barcode selected by the user or the barcode with the specified identifier.
getItemByName Gets the barcode with the specified name.
remove Removes a barcode.