The FrameBase object is the base of the Image, TextFrame and BarcodeFrame object. It implements general frame features like the position in the text, the insertion mode or the distances between the text and the frame.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
changeZOrder Changes the frame's z-order.
getAlignment Gets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
getBounds Gets the frame's bounding rectangle relative to the upper left corner of the document.
getID Gets an identifier for the frame.
getInsertionMode Gets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
getLocation Gets, in twips, the frame's current location.
getMoveable Gets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
getName Gets the name for the frame.
getSize Gets the frame's size in twips.
getSizeable Gets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
getTextDistances Gets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.
getTextPosition Gets the frame's character position in the document's text (one-based).
setAlignment Sets the frame's horizontal alignment when it is anchored to a paragraph.
setID Sets an identifier for the frame.
setInsertionMode Sets a value determining whether the frame is treated as a single character or the document's text either flows around or overwrites the frame.
setLocation Sets, in twips, the frame's current location.
setMoveable Sets whether a frame can be moved in the document at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
setName Sets a name for the frame.
setSize Sets the frame's size in twips.
setSizeable Sets whether the frame can be resized at run time with the built-in mouse interface.
setTextDistances Sets the distances, in twips, between the frame and the document's text.