A Paragraph object represents a single paragraph in a Text Control document. Paragraphs are numbered from the beginning to the end of the document beginning with 1. A document has at least one paragraph.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
getFormattingStyle Gets the paragraph's formatting style.
getLength Gets the number of characters in the paragraph including the paragraph end character.
getLines Gets the number of lines the paragraph consists of.
getListNumber Gets the paragraph's list number.
getListNumberText Gets the paragraph's list number text.
getStart Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first character.
getStartLine Gets the number (one-based) of the paragraph's first line.
getText Gets the paragraph's text.
save Saves the paragraph in a certain format and sends the result back asynchronously by calling a given callback function.
select Selects the paragraph.
setFormattingStyle Sets the paragraph's formatting style.


Property Description
format The paragraph's formatting attributes.
listFormat The paragraph's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.