The RulerBarViewGeneratorColors object provides methods for getting, setting or resetting the display colors of a ruler bar. By default the display colors depend on sytem colors on the server. With this object all colors can be individually designed.



Introduced: 30.0.


Method Description
getBackColor Gets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
getForeColor Gets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
getGradientBackColor Gets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
getRulerColor Gets the color of the ruler.
getSeparatorColorDark Gets the color of dark separators.
getSeparatorColorLight Gets the color of light separators.
resetBackColor Resets the ruler bar's backColor to its system dependent default value.
resetForeColor Resets the ruler bar's foreColor to its system dependent default value.
resetGradientBackColor Resets the ruler bar's gradientBackColor to its system dependent default value.
resetRulerColor Resets the ruler bar's rulerColor to its system dependent default value.
resetSeparatorColorDark Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorDark to its system dependent default value.
resetSeparatorColorLight Resets the ruler bar's separatorColorLight to its system dependent default value.
setBackColor Sets the background color at the left or top edge of the ruler bar.
setForeColor Sets the color used for the numbers of the ruler.
setGradientBackColor Sets the background color at the right or bottom edge of the ruler bar.
setRulerColor Sets the color of the ruler.
setSeparatorColorDark Sets the color of dark separators.
setSeparatorColorLight Sets the color of light separators.