Creates and inserts a new signature field which is anchored to the specified text position. It has the specified horizontal alignment and a textflow which is given through the insertionMode parameter. Anchored text frames are moved with the text.

<void> SignatureFieldCollection.addAnchored(<Size> size, <HorizontalAlignment> horizontalAlignment, <number> textPosition, <FrameInsertionMode> insertionMode, [<RequestSignatureFieldCallback> callback], [<ErrorCallback> errorCallback])


Parameter Description
size The signature field's size in twips.
horizontalAlignment Specifies the signature field's horizontal alignment.
textPosition Specifies the text position at which the signature field is to be inserted. If -1 is specified, the signature field is inserted at the current input position.
insertionMode Specifies how the text flow is handled.
callback Optional. The newly created signature field object is returned via this callback function.
errorCallback Optional. Is called when the operation failed with an error.