The Table object represents a table in a document.



Introduced: X18.


Method Description
getCanMergeCells Checks whether table cells can be merged.
getCanSplit Checks whether this table can be split.
getCanSplitCells Checks whether previously merged table cells in this table can be split.
getID Gets the table's identifier.
getNestedLevel Gets the nested level for the specified table.
getOuterMostTable Gets a table's outermost table.
getOuterTable Gets table's outer table.
mergeCells Merges all selected table cells in this table.
select Selects the complete table.
selectCells Selects the part of the table defined through two table cells.
setID Sets the table's id.
split Splits a table below or above the current input position.
splitCells Splits all selected table cells in this table.


Property Description
cells The collection of all table cells the table consists of.
columns Gets a collection of all columns the table consists of.
nestedTables Gets a collection of all tables nested in this table.
rows Gets a collection of all rows the table consists of.