Information about a table of contents. Is needed by the event argument class TableOfContentsEventArgs.


   hasLinks: <boolean>,
   hasPageNumbers: <boolean>,
   hasRightAlignedPageNumbers: <boolean>,
   highlightColor: <string>,
   highlightMode: <string>,
   id: <Number>,
   length: <number>,
   maximumStructureLevel: <number>,
   minimumStructureLevel: <number>,
   name: <string>,
   number: <number>,
   start: <number>

Introduced: X19.


Property Description
hasLinks Specifies whether each entry in the table of contents is a DocumentLink with a corresponding DocumentTarget.
hasPageNumbers Specifies whether the table of contents contains page numbers.
hasRightAlignedPageNumbers Specifies whether the page numbers in the table of contents are right-aligned.
highlightColor The highlight color for the table of contents.
highlightMode Indicates how the text of the table of contents is highlighted.
id The table of contents' identifier.
length The number of characters which belong to the table of contents.
maximumStructureLevel The maximum structure level for this table of contents.
minimumStructureLevel The minimum structure level for this table of contents.
name The table of contents' name.
number The table of contents' one-based number in the document.
start The one-based index of the first character which belongs to the table of contents.