The type of the text field object in TextFieldEventArgs or in other properties / methods returning static field information (or arrays thereof).


   bounds: <Rectangle>,
   containsInputPosition: <boolean>,
   deleteable: <boolean>,
   doubledInputPosition: <boolean>,
   editable: <boolean>,
   formattingBounds: <Rectangle>,
   id: <number>,
   isSpellCheckingEnabled: <boolean>,
   length: <number>,
   name: <string>,
   showActivated: <boolean>,
   start: <number>,
   text: <string>,
   type: <string>

Introduced: X13.


Property Description
bounds The bounding rectangle of a text field.
containsInputPosition Returns true if the Textfield contains the current text input position.
deleteable Specifies whether a text field can be deleted by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
doubledInputPosition Specifies whether a text field has a doubled input position in front of its first character and behind its last character.
editable Specifies whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.
formattingBounds The formatting rectangle of a text field.
id The identifier of the text field.
isSpellCheckingEnabled Specifies whether a text field's text is checked on misspelled words.
length The number of characters in the text field.
name The text field's name.
showActivated Specifies whether a text field toggles its background to gray, if the current input position is in the field.
start The 1-based first character position of the text field.
text The text field's text content.
type The field type ("APPLICATIONFIELD" or "TEXTFIELD").