Possible built-in dialog box types.

Introduced: 31.0.


Member Description
FontDialog Fonts and character attributes.
ParagraphFormatDialog Paragraph formatting attributes.
InsertTableDialog Inserting a new table.
ListFormatDialog Formatting attributes of bulleted and numbered lists.
FormattingStylesDialog Creating, deleting and modifying formatting styles.
SectionFormatDialog Section attributes.
LanguageDialog Language of the selected text.
TableFormatDialog Table formatting attributes.
TabDialog Tabulator settings.
FrameAttributesDialog Formatting attributes of the currently selected frame. (Chart frame, text frame, drawing etc.)
FindDialog Find a text string in the text part with the input focus.
ReplaceDialog Replace a text string in the text part with the input focus.
ForeColorDialog Text color.
TextBackColorDialog Text background color.
InsertSymbolDialog Add a symbol.
FrameFillColorDialog Background color of a paragraph or a table cell.
FrameLineColorDialog Frame line color of a paragraph or a table cell.
PageColorDialog Page color.
TableOfContentsDialog Inserting or changing a table of contents.