
The Administration endpoints provide functionality to administer administration settings such as changing the admin credentials and editing security profiles.

Method Endpoint Description
POST /admin/users/{username}/password Updates the password of the given username with a new password.
GET /admin/securityprofiles Gets an array of existing security profile IDs.
POST /admin/securityprofiles Adds a new security profile.
GET /admin/securityprofiles/{id} Gets a specific security profile based on a given ID.
DELETE /admin/securityprofiles/{id} Deletes a specific security profile based on a given ID.
PATCH /admin/securityprofiles/{id}/allowclientcredentialsgranttype Specifies whether the client credentials grant type is activated or not based on a given ID.
PATCH /admin/securityprofiles/{id}/expirydate Specifies the expiry date of a security profile based on a given ID.
PATCH /admin/securityprofiles/{id}/clientcredentials/authorizedredirecturis Specifies the authorized redirect URIs for a security profile based on a given ID.