
The DocumentProcessing endpoints provide functionality to create and process documents using standardized Web API HTTP requests.

Method Endpoint Description
POST /documentprocessing/document/convert Converts a document to another supported format.
POST /documentprocessing/document/merge Merges and returns a compatible uploaded template with hierarchical JSON data.
POST /documentprocessing/document/findandreplace Executes a find and replace on a template to create a document.
POST /documentprocessing/document/append Combines documents by appending them divided by a new section, paragraph or nothing.
POST /documentprocessing/document/thumbnails Creates and returns thumbnail images of documents.
POST /documentprocessing/document/info Returns information about the document and document content.
GET /documentprocessing/document/installedprinters Returns information about the printers installed on the server.
POST /documentprocessing/pdf/create Creates a PDF document from an input document.
POST /documentprocessing/pdf/embeddedfiles Returns all embedded files from a given PDF document.
POST /documentprocessing/pdf/metadata Extracts metadata from a given PDF document.
POST /documentprocessing/pdf/acroforms/fields Returns all AcroForm fields of a given PDF document.
POST /documentprocessing/barcodes/create Creates a barcode image.
GET /documentprocessing/barcodes/defaulttext Returns the default text of a given barcode type.
GET /documentprocessing/barcodes/maximumtextlength Returns the maximum text length that can be encoded.
GET /documentprocessing/barcodes/minimumtextlength Returns the minimum text length that can be encoded.
GET /documentprocessing/barcodes/istextvalid Returns the minimum text length that can be encoded.