A Footnote object represents a footnote in a TextControl document. A footnote can be inserted trough the FootnoteCollection.Add method. It consists of a reference mark in the document and the footnote itself appearing at the bottom of the page. The footnote has a footnote mark with the same number as the reference mark. All Footnote objects are contained in the FootnoteCollection which can be obtained with the Footnotes property.


public class Footnote
Public Class Footnote

Introduced: 32.0.


Constructor Description
Footnote Initializes a new instance of the Footnote class.


Method Description
Edit Sets the current text input position in the footnote section at the end of the current footnote text, so that the text can be edited or formatted.
Save Saves the footnote's text with the specified format including the footnote mark in front of the text.
ScrollTo Sets the current input position to the first position of the footnote mark and scrolls it into the visible part of the document.


Property Description
DefaultHighlightColor Gets the default highlight color for the reference mark and the footnote mark.
HighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color for the reference mark and the footnote mark.
HighlightMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the reference mark and the footnote mark is highlighted.
ID Gets or sets a user-defined identifier.
Name Gets or sets a name for the footnote.
Number Gets the footnote's number in the text.
ReferenceMarkLength Gets the number of characters the reference mark consists of.
ReferenceMarkStart Gets the index (one-based) of the first character of the footnote's reference mark.
Text Gets the footnote's text including the footnote mark in front of the text.