Gets or sets a frame around the paragraph.


public Frame Frame { get; set; }
Public Property Frame() As Frame


Member Description
None The paragraph has no frame.
LeftLine The paragraph has a left frame line.
RightLine The paragraph has a right frame line.
TopLine The paragraph has a frame line at the top.
BottomLine The paragraph has frame line at the bottom.
Box The paragraph has a complete frame.
MergedBox The paragraph has a complete frame. If the following or the previous paragraph also has a frame, the frames are merged to a single frame.


The following example uses the Frame property to set the frame to MergedBox.

TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat format = new TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat();

format.Alignment  = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
format.Frame      = TXTextControl.Frame.MergedBox;
format.FrameStyle = TXTextControl.FrameStyle.Double;

textControl1.Selection.ParagraphFormat = format;
Dim format As TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat = New TXTextControl.ParagraphFormat()

format.Alignment  = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center
format.Frame      = TXTextControl.Frame.MergedBox
format.FrameStyle = TXTextControl.FrameStyle.Double

TextControl1.Selection.ParagraphFormat = format


The property's default value is Frame.None.

The property returns its default value when the text selection contains multiple paragraphs with mixed frames. The Selection.IsCommonValueSelected method can be used to check for mixed attributes.