The ParagraphStyle class defines a formatting style for paragraphs. In addition to the properties described here, it inherits all properties and methods of the FormattingStyle class.


public sealed class ParagraphStyle : FormattingStyle
Public NotInheritable Class ParagraphStyle
  Inherits FormattingStyle

Introduced: 10.1.


The following example shows how to add and apply a ParagraphStyle.

textControl1.Text = "TX Text Control";

TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle par = new TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle("CenterBold");
par.Bold = true;
par.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

textControl1.Selection.FormattingStyle = "CenterBold";
TextControl1.Text = "TX Text Control"

Dim par As TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle = New TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle("CenterBold")
par.Bold = True
par.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = TXTextControl.HorizontalAlignment.Center

TextControl1.Select(0, 0)
TextControl1.Selection.FormattingStyle = "CenterBold"


Constructor Description
ParagraphStyle Creates a new instance of the ParagraphStyle class.


Method Description
Apply Applies all set attributes of the style to the current document.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)


Property Description
AutoBaseline Gets or sets values specifying automatic sub- or superscripted text.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
BaseStyle Gets the FormattingStyle which is the base style of this style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Baseline Gets or sets a user-defined baseline alignment, in twips, of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Bold Gets or sets the bold attribute of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Capitals Gets or sets values specifying wheather lowercase letters are displayed with capital letters.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
CharacterScaling Gets or sets the style's character scaling, in percent of the average character width.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
CharacterSpacing Gets or sets the style's character spacing value, in twips.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Culture Gets or sets the style's culture.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
FollowingStyle Gets or sets the name of the style that TextControl automatically selects for the following paragraph after the user has pressed the ENTER key.
FontName Gets or sets the font of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
FontSize Gets or sets the font's size of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
ForeColor Gets or sets the style's color used to display the text.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Italic Gets or sets the italic attribute of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
ListFormat Gets or sets the style's bulleted or numbered list and/or its formatting attributes.
Name Gets or sets the name of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
ParagraphFormat Gets or sets the style's paragraph attributes.
Strikeout Gets or sets the strikeout attribute of the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
TextBackColor Gets or sets the style's text background color.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)
Underline Gets or sets underlining styles for the style.
(Inherited from FormattingStyle)

Further Reading

Learn more about the TXTextControl.ParagraphStyle Class in the Text Control Blog: