Gets or sets a value specifying the alignment of the ruler bar in the document. Depending on the alignment either a horizontal or a vertical ruler is displayed. This property is automatically set to Top, if the control's Dock property is set to to Top or Bottom. It is automatically set to Left, if the control's Dock property is set to to Left or Right.

Introduced: 13.0.


public RulerBarAlignment Alignment { get; set; }
Public Property Alignment As RulerBarAlignment


Member Description
Left The ruler bar is displayed with a vertical ruler.
Top The ruler bar is displayed with a horizontal ruler.


The following example uses Alignmnent property and sets its value to Top.

TXTextControl.RulerBar  rulerBar = new TXTextControl.RulerBar();

rulerBarr.Alignment   = TXTextControl.RulerBarAlignment.Top;
rulerBar.BorderStyle = TXTextControl.RulerBarBorderStyle.Flat;
Dim rulerBar As TXTextControl.RulerBar = New TXTextControl.RulerBar()

rulerBar.Alignment   = TXTextControl.RulerBarAlignment.Top
rulerBar.BorderStyle = TXTextControl.RulerBarBorderStyle.Flat
End Sub