Determines a certain section format attribute. This enumeration is used with the Selection.IsCommonValueSelected method. It contains the following values:


Member Description
BreakKind Specifies the attribute set through the BreakKind property.
ColumnDistances Specifies the attribute set through the ColumnDistances property.
ColumnLineColor Specifies the attribute set through the ColumnLineColor property.
ColumnLineWidth Specifies the attribute set through the ColumnLineWidth property.
Columns Specifies the attribute set through the Columns property.
ColumnWidths Specifies the attribute set through the ColumnWidths property.
EqualColumnWidth Specifies the attribute set through the EqualColumnWidth property.
Landscape Specifies the attribute set through the Landscape property.
PageSize Specifies the attribute set through the PageSize property.
RestartPageNumbering Specifies the attribute set through the RestartPageNumbering property.