Changes the writing direction of all selected paragraphs. When the direction of a paragraph is changed, this paragraph's alignment is toggled from left to right or from right to left. The alignment of centered and justified paragraphs is not changed. Left and right tabulators are also toggled.

Introduced: X10.


public bool ChangeDirection(Direction direction);
Public Function ChangeDirection() As Direction


Parameter Description
direction Specifies the writing direction. It can be one of the Direction values:
Event Description
LeftToRight The writing direction is left to right, which means that blocks of text with left to right and right to left characters are ordered from left to right.
RightToLeft The writing direction is right to left, which means that blocks of text with left to right and right to left characters are ordered from right to left.

Return Value

The return value is true, if at least one paragraph has been changed. Otherwise is is false.