Specifies whether the text of a text field can be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited. The default setting of this property is true.


public bool Editable { get; set; }
Public Property Editable() As Boolean


The following example uses the Editable property and sets its value to false. Now the text of a text field cannot be changed by the end-user while a TX Text Control document is being edited.

TXTextControl.TextField field = new TXTextControl.TextField("Product");
field.Name = "product";
field.Editable = false;

foreach (TXTextControl.TextField curfield in textControl1.TextFields)
    if (curfield.Name == "product")
        curfield.Text = "TX Text Control";
Dim field As TXTextControl.TextField = New TXTextControl.TextField("Product")
field.Name = "product"
field.Editable = false

For Each curField As TXTextControl.TextField In TextControl1.TextFields
    If curField.Name = "product" Then
       curField.Text = "TX Text Control"
    End If

See Also

Text Fields and Hypertext Links - Editing Marked Text Fields.