The Ribbon.Colors class gets, sets or resets the display colors of a Windows Forms Ribbon control. By default the display colors depend on sytem colors. With this class all colors can be individually designed.


public class Ribbon.Colors
Public Class Ribbon.Colors

Introduced: X14.


The following example shows a Ribbon.Colors class. The class uses its ApplicationMenuColor property and sets the value of the property to White.

TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors ribbonColors =  
new TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors();

ribbonColors.ApplicationMenuColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
Dim ribbonColors As TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors = 
New TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.Ribbon.Colors()

ribbonColors.ApplicationMenuColor = System.Drawing.Color.White


Constructor Description
Colors Initializes a new instance of the Ribbon.Colors class.


Method Description
ResetApplicationMenuColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuColor to its system dependent default value.
ResetApplicationMenuTabColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuTabColor to its system dependent default value.
ResetApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor Resets the ribbon's ApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor to its system dependent default value.
ResetHighlightTabColor Resets the ribbon's HighlightTabColor to its system dependent default value.
ResetMenuColor Resets the ribbon's MenuColor to its system dependent default value.
ResetTabColor Resets the ribbon's TabColor to its system dependent default value.


Property Description
ApplicationMenuColor Gets or sets the background color of a ribbon's application menu.
ApplicationMenuTabColor Gets or sets the color of a ribbon's first tab, which opens the application menu.
ApplicationMenuTabHighlightColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a ribbon's first tab which is used, when the mouse pointer is moved over it.
HighlightTabColor Gets or sets the highlight color of a ribbon tab which is used when a tab is selected.
MenuColor Gets or sets the menu color of a ribbon.
TabColor Gets or sets the background color of a ribbon tab.