Gets or sets the description text that appears on this button in a RibbonMenuButton's drop down menu when the DisplayMode property of the button is set to IconTextRelation.LargeIconLabeled.


public string Description { get; set; }
Public Property Description() As String


The following example shows a RibbonButton class with its two properties. The Description property sets the description text "My RibbonButton" that will appear on this button when the DisplayMode property is set to LargeIconLabeled.

TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton ribbonButton =
new TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton();

    ribbonButton.Description = "My RibbonButton";
    ribbonButton.DisplayMode =     
Dim ribbonButton As TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton = 
New TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton()

    ribbonButton.Description = "My RibbonButton"
    ribbonButton.DisplayMode =   