Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RibbonButton can be added to the quick access toolbar.


public bool IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled { get; set; }
Public Property IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled() As Boolean


The following example shows a RibbonButton class with its different properties. The IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled property is set to true so that the ribbon button can be added to the quick access toolbar property.

TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton ribbonButton =
new TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton();

    ribbonButton.Description = "My RibbonButton";

    ribbonButton.DisplayMode =       

    ribbonButton.IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled = true;
Dim ribbonButton As TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton = 
New TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.RibbonButton()

    ribbonButton.Description = "My RibbonButton"

    ribbonButton.DisplayMode =   

    ribbonButton.IsAddToQuickAccessToolbarEnabled = true