The RibbonListView class is a list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of three different views. The RibbonListView class is inherited from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class and implements the System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged interface. The following describes only the properties, methods and events defined through the RibbonListView class. For a list of properties, methods and events inherited from the System.Windows.Forms.Control class and the System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged interface see the .NET Framework reference.


public class RibbonListView : System.Windows.Forms.Control, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Class RibbonListView
  Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Control
  Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged

Introduced: X14.


Constructor Description
RibbonListView Initializes a new instance of the RibbonListView class.


Event Description
DropDownClosed Occurs as the RibbonListView's drop-down menu is closed.
DropDownOpening Occurs as the RibbonListView's drop-down menu is opening.
EditItemTextBoxActivated Occurs when the edit item text box is displayed.
EditItemTextBoxDeactivated Occurs when the edit item text box is closed.
ItemClick Occurs when an RibbonListViewItem is clicked.
ItemDropDownClosed Occurs as a RibbonListViewItem's drop-down menu is closed.
ItemDropDownOpening Occurs as a RibbonListViewItem's drop-down menu is opening.
ItemMouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a RibbonListViewItem and the mouse button is pressed.
ItemMouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer enters a RibbonListViewItem.
ItemMouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a RibbonListViewItem.
ItemMouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a RibbonListViewItem and the mouse button is released.


Method Description
ActivateEditItemTextBox Displays a text box to edit the specified RibbonListViewItem.
DeactivateEditItemTextBox Closes the text box that is displayed to edit an item.
ScrollTo Scrolls the contents of the RibbonListView to a specified RibbonListViewItem.


Property Description
CellPadding Gets or sets the amount of space between the cell's item and the cell's border.
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in this RibbonListView.
ColumnWidth Gets the width, in 1/96 inch, for each column in this RibbonListView.
Deselectable Gets or sets a value whether a selected RibbonListViewItem can be deselected by clicking into a cell that does not contain a RibbonListViewItem or clicking on it in combination with the pressed Ctrl key.
DropDownItems Gets the collection of controls in the drop-down menu that is associated with this RibbonListView.
EditItemTextBoxEmptyWidth Gets or sets a value, in 1/96 inch, specifying the width of the edit item text box for an item where no text is set.
HideItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RibbonListViewItems are displayed inside the RibbonListView or not.
HideSelectedItems Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected RibbonListViewItems are highlighted inside the RibbonListView or not.
ItemsSource Gets or sets an array of RibbonListViewItems used to generate the content of this RibbonListView.
KeyTip Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut of the RibbonListView.
MaxColumnCount Gets or sets a value specifying the maximum number of columns in this RibbonListView.
MaxColumnWidth Gets or sets a value, in 1/96 inch, specifying the maximum column width in this RibbonListView.
MaxVisibleRows Gets or sets a value specifying the maximum number of rows that are displayed by the RibbonListView.
MinColumnCount Gets or sets the minimum number of columns in this RibbonListView.
MinColumnWidth Gets or sets the minimum width, in 1/96 inch, of a column.
MinRowCount Gets or sets the minimum number of rows in this RibbonListView.
MinimumWidth Gets or sets the minimum width, in 1/96 inch, of the RibbonListView.
MultiSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple items can be selected.
ParentCollection Gets the RibbonItemCollection that contains this RibbonListView.
RibbonListViewItems Gets a collection containing all items in this RibbonListView.
RowCount Gets the number of rows in this RibbonListView.
RowHeight Gets the height, in 1/96 inch, for each row in this RibbonListView.
ScrollButtonsVisible Gets or sets a value whether the scroll bars buttons should be displayed or not.
SelectWithArrowKeys Gets or sets a value indicating whether an item is set to selected after choosing it by using arrow keys.
SelectedIndices Gets or sets the indexes of the selected items in this RibbonListView.
SelectedItems Gets or sets the items that are selected in this RibbonListView.
ShowBorder Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListView is surrounded by a border or not.
ShowItemsInDropDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether this RibbonListView's drop down menu displays additionally to the drop down items the control's RibbonListViewItems or not.
ToolTip Gets an object of type RibbonToolTip that displays text when the mouse pointer hovers over RibbonListView's scroll bar or drop-down button.
ViewMode Gets or sets the mode in which this RibbonListView displays its items.