Gets or sets an object of type System.Windows.Forms.Control that represents the content of the Sidebar.


public System.Windows.Forms.Control Content { get; set; }
Public Property Content() As System.Windows.Forms.Control


The following snippet describes the TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar.Content property.

TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar sidebar = new TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar();
sidebar.ShowPinButton = false;
sidebar.IsPinned = true;
sidebar.IsShown = false;
sidebar.IsSizable = false;
sidebar.ShowTitle = false; 
sidebar.TitleFont = new System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman", 12 ); 
sidebar.Text = "mySidebarText"; // here, the Text property is set
sidebar.DialogStyle = TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar.SidebarDialogStyle.Standard; 
sidebar.DialogSize = System.Drawing.Size.Empty;
sidebar.DialogLocation = System.Drawing.Point.Empty;
sidebar.ContentLayout = TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar.SidebarContentLayout.None;
sidebar.Content = myControl; // here, the Content property is set to a System.Windows.Forms.Control named myControl
Dim sidebar As TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar = New TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar()
sidebar.ShowPinButton = False
sidebar.IsPinned = True
sidebar.IsShown = False
sidebar.IsSizable = False
sidebar.ShowTitle = False
sidebar.TitleFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman", 12)
sidebar.Text = "mySidebarText"
sidebar.DialogStyle = TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar.SidebarDialogStyle.Standard
sidebar.DialogSize = System.Drawing.Size.Empty
sidebar.DialogLocation = System.Drawing.Point.Empty
sidebar.ContentLayout = TXTextControl.Windows.Forms.Sidebar.SidebarContentLayout.None
sidebar.Content = myControl ' here, the Content property is set to a System.Windows.Forms.Control named myControl


The content can only be set if the ContentLayout is defined as SidebarContentLayout.Custom.