New Features and Update Notes

TX Text Control 17.0 provides the following new features:

Text Selections

Text selections in tables have been extended so that it is now possible to select table columns and rectangular areas of table cells. Table columns can be formatted and copied to the clipboard. The TableColumn.Select method has been added to support this feature programmatically. Text selections are now displayed with a transparent blue bitmap. The new SelectionViewMode property can be used to display selections with the classic selection view mode.

Merged Table Cells

Table cells can be merged with the new Table.MergeCells method. The method merges all selected cells to a single cell which has the same width and the same content as the original cells. The new Table.SplitCells method can be used to split previously merged cells. Table cells can only be merged, if more than one cell is selected, and if the selection is in a single table. The Table.CanMergeCells property can be used to check whether cells can be merged.

Named Table Cells

Each table cell can have a name which can be used to store any string data associated with the cell. The new TableCell.Name property can be used to get or to set a cell's name. The name is stored only, when the TXTextControl file format is used.

Colored Table Lines

Table lines can be colored. Each line of a table cell can have a different color. All text filters and the TXTextControl file format have been extended so that this feature can be exchanged with other applications. The TableCellFormat class has been extended with the LeftBorderColor, TopBorderColor, RightBorderColor and BottomBorderColor properties to set these attributes programmatically. Colored table lines can also be set with the built-in dialogbox for setting table attributes.

Page Borders

Borders can now be defined for each page of a document section. A page border can have a top, left, right or bottom line or a combination of these lines. The line width and the color can be defined for each line separately. For each line a distance can be specified, which is either a distance to the edge of the page or to the text. The page border can surround the text including page headers and footers or only the text of the page. The border can be defined for the first page, for all pages or beginning with the second page. The new PageBorder class represents all these attributes of a page border. The SectionFormat class has been extended with the new PageBorder property to can set all these attributes programmatically. The page settings dialog box has also been extended so that an end-user can define a page border.

Digital Signatures

PDF files can be saved digitally signed with an X.509 certificate. The SaveSettings class has been extended with the SaveSettings.DigitalSignature property to set a certificate for a saving process. The DigitalSignature class used with this property represents the X.509 certificate and all other information necessary to digitally sign the file.

Spell Checking

A TextControl supports now the TXSpellChecker component, which can be used to get and to correct misspelled words in the current document. This component can be connected with a TextControl through the TextControl.SpellChecker property and must be activated with the TextControl.IsSpellCheckingEnabled property. The component handles the TextControl.SpellCheckText event internally and provides a dialog box and a context menu to correct misspelled words. The Dialog can be invoked with the TextControl.SpellCheckDialog method and the context menu is opened when the end-user right-clicks a misspelled word.

HTML Format

The TX Text Control HTML import filter now uses the parsing rules described in the W3C specification of HTML5 (