TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.AdditionalText |
Gets or sets an additional text that is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.Alignment |
Gets or sets the alignment of the barcode image inside the control. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.Angle |
Gets or sets the angle of the barcode image inside the control. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.BackColor |
Gets or sets the background color for the barcode control. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.BarcodeType |
Gets or sets the type of barcode that is rendered. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.BarcodeTypeSettings |
Gets an object of type BarcodeTypeSettings to determine type specific settings for the current used barcode. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.ForeColor |
Gets or sets the foreground color for the barcode. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.ShowText |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the encrypted barcode text value is displayed below or above the barcode image or not. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.Size |
Gets or sets the size of the barcode. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.Text |
Gets or sets the text the barcode should encrypt. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.TextAlignment |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode text and additional text is displayed below or above the barcode image. |
TXTextControl.Barcode.TXBarcodeCore.UpperTextLength |
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters the Text property can get. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs.SubTextPartID |
Gets the ID of the subtext part that represents the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockMergingEventArgs.SubTextPartNumber |
Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part that represents the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockRowMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartID |
Gets the ID of the subtext part that represents the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.BlockRowMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartNumber |
Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part that represents the block. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartID |
Gets the ID of the subtext part the field is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FieldMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartNumber |
Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part the field is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartID |
Gets the ID of the subtext part the field is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.FormFieldMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartNumber |
Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part the field is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartID |
Gets the ID of the subtext part the image is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge.ImageMergedEventArgs.SubTextPartNumber |
Gets the 1-based number of the subtext part the image is part of. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.BinaryData |
If the file is a binary file, this property returns the binary data. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.CreationDate |
Gets the file's creation date. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.Description |
Gets the file's optional description. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.FileName |
Gets the file's name. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.HasBinaryData |
Gets a value indicating whether the embedded file has binary data. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.HasStringData |
Gets a value indicating whether the embedded file has text data. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.LastModificationDate |
Gets the date the file was last modified. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.MimeType |
Gets an optional string specifying the file's type using types specified through the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) specification. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.Relationship |
PDF/A only. |
TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.EmbeddedFile.StringData |
If the file is a text file, this property returns the text data. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.BackColor |
Gets or sets the back color of the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.BorderColor |
Gets or sets the border line color of the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.BorderWidth |
Gets or sets the border line width of the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.CanCopy |
Informs whether shapes are selected which can be copied to the internal clipboard. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.CanPaste |
Informs whether the internal clipboard contains shapes that can be pasted into the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.CanRedo |
Informs whether an operation can be re-done using the Redo method. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.CanUndo |
Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous TXDrawingCore operation. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.IsCanvasVisible |
Gets a value whether the cavas is visible or not. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.Selection |
Gets an object of type Drawing.Selection that represents the current selected shapes inside the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.Shapes |
Gets an object of type ShapeCollection that represents those shapes which are displayed inside the canvas. |
TXTextControl.Drawing.TXDrawingCore.Size |
Gets or sets the size of the canvas. |