TX Text Control: Using TX Spell .NET with Multiple TX Text Control Instances

A high-performance spell checker requires a well-considered concept to work with multiple controls on a form in the same application. A single TX Spell .NET instance can be used with multiple instances of TextControl. It is not necessary to have one instance of the spell checker for each instance of TextControl. This dramatically reduces the required memory and speeds up the spell checking process.

The source code is contained in the following directories:

  • Samples\WPF\CSharp\TextControl\Multiple controls
  • Samples\WPF\VB.NET\TextControl\Multiple controls

The concept of using multiple instances of TextControl with the same instance of TX Spell .NET is very straightforward. It is not neccessary to switch manually between the controls. Different from other spell checker components, the connection between the consuming control and TX Spell .NET is set with TextControl. TX Text Control searches for the TXSpellChecker instances in every resource part of the application.


To connect TX Spell .NET with the TextControl, the SpellChecker property of each TextControl must be connected to the same TX Spell .NET instance:


After starting the application, each connected TextControl uses the same TX Spell .NET instance and therefore the same resources, dictionaries and user dictionaries.
