The StateManager class provides methods and properties which are necessary to initialize, modify and perceive the current state of a spelling correction procedure..


public sealed class StateManager
Public NotInheritable Class StateManager

Introduced: 6.0.


Method Description
Cancel Resets the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider to the InitialState.
SetCurrent Sets an object of type TXTextControl.TextControl or text for user interface based spelling correction.


Property Description
CurrentIFormattedText Gets that object of type TXTextControl.IFormattedText that includes the misspelled word which is currently handled by the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider.
CurrentText Gets that text which is currently handled by the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider.
CurrentTextControl Gets an object of type TXTextControl.TextControl and represents that TextControl which is currently handled by the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider.
CurrentWordToCorrect Gets an object of type TXTextControl.MisspelledWord or IncorrectWord and represents that current word to correct which is currently handled by the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider.
IsOptionsSettings Gets or sets a value whether the current state of the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider is set to OptionsSettings.
IsWordToCorrectEditing Gets or sets a value whether the current state of the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider is set to WordToCorrectEditing.
Mode Gets a value of type SpellingCorrectionMode that represents the current state of the SpellingCorrectionUIProvider.