Returns groups of synonyms that represent equivalent expressions for a specific text. The first implementation uses selected synonym lists of the SynonymListCollection at TXSpell.SynonymLists. The second implementation uses selected synonym lists of the TXSpell.SynonymLists collection and the default synonym lists folder where the synonym list's language equals to the defined language parameter. The last overload creates synonym groups for a specific synonym list. Only those synonym lists are used whose SynonymList.IsCreateSynonymsEnabled properties are set to true.

Introduced: 7.0.


public Proofing.SynonymGroup[] CreateSynonyms(string text);
Public Function CreateSynonyms(text As String) As Proofing.SynonymGroup()

CreateSynonyms(String, System.Globalization.CultureInfo)

public Proofing.SynonymGroup[] CreateSynonyms(string text, System.Globalization.CultureInfo language);
Public Function CreateSynonyms(text As String, language As System.Globalization.CultureInfo) As Proofing.SynonymGroup()

CreateSynonyms(String, Proofing.SynonymList)

public Proofing.SynonymGroup[] CreateSynonyms(string text, Proofing.SynonymList synonymList);
Public Function CreateSynonyms(text As String, synonymList As Proofing.SynonymList) As Proofing.SynonymGroup()


Parameter Description
text Specifies the text that has to be determined for synonyms.
language The language that is used to create synonyms for the specified text.
synonymList The synonymList that is used to create synonyms for the specified text.