With version 7.0, TX Spell .NET provides the possibility to generate groups of synonyms for specific words. Combined with TX Text Control version 25.0, this feature enables a way to determine and set equivalent expressions for words at the current TextControl input position.
Integrating TX Spell .NET into a Visual Studio project is very easy. The default settings and shipped synonym lists allow developers to create applications without any specific synonym lists settings. TX Spell .NET checks the default SynonymLists subfolder for valid synonym lists. On the development machine, the SynonymLists folder is located in the \Assembly\SynonymLists subdirectory of the TX Spell .NET installation directory. When the application is deployed to an end-user's machine, the SynonymLists directory is a direct subfolder of the application's root folder.
The SynonymListCollection contains initialized synonym lists which are used to generate synonyms with the first and second overload of the TXSpell.CreateSynonyms method. As opposed to this the third overload can be applied with a synoynm list that is not necessarily added to this collection.
The TXSpell.SynonymLanguage property is set to "(Auto)" when the TXSpellChecker has been created on a form.
If the SynonymLanguage property is set to "(Auto)", a synonym list is chosen where its language corresponds to the language of the dictionary that has been set by the TXSpell.Language property (by setting "(Auto)" or a specific synonym list). In case the default synonym lists folder does not contain such a list, a synonym list is chosen that corresponds roughly to the defined language. If the TXSpell.Language property is set to "(none)", a synonym list of the application environment's language (or, if not found, a list that corresponds roughly to the application environment's language) is added to the TXSpell.SynonymLists collection.